
Welcome to the HOME PAGE of Jeff Cullen Photography.  Below is a quick overview of the main groupings of my photos.

View photo galleries in selections under each header category.

RECENT New photos come all the time.  The most recent photos or show submissions are posted here temporarily.  They will be moved to their respective places in following site updates.  Also included from time to time will be special collections or topic studies.

CREATIONS – I often sense there is something more within an image that can be drawn out.  I change the colors, subtract elements, create composites; I experiment, letting my aesthetic whims determine the results.   My intent is to create a picture that is artistically pleasing and provacative. 

Berkeley Industrial Ceiling

CURIOS – Curios is a gathering of my random views of the cityscape.  They are details, quirks, and surprises that don’t seem to adequately fit under any other category, narrative, or theme — yet.









          LINES AND SHAPES – Our world is filled with elements of order, either purposely chosen or inadvertent.   For me these become elements of artistic interest.  Most of the time we take them for granted or overlook the fascinating structure as we hurry by.  I try to stop and see the aesthetic beauty in the lines and shapes and spaces present in plain sight.


       WINDOWSWindows are eyes in the facade, sometimes welcoming you in or out, sometimes confusing you with a veil of reflection.      Sometimes they just stare blankly.







        DOORS – Doors are interesting.  They raise questions:  What’s behind them?  Where do they lead?  They lure you in, usher you out, stop you in place.  Some are solitary; some have neighbors.  They have character.

          STAIRS seem to occupy a special category of structural order.  Their vertical, zig-zag angularity creates a tension and excitement because you know from their predictable structure they go somewhere.








GRAFFITI  Graffiti decorates the cityscape.  The shapes and colors, the attitude and energy, the deteriorated, underbelly settings thrill my artistic sense.  My intent is not necessarily to document someone else’s work, rather it is to pick out that portion that can stand on its own as an interesting, emotional composition. Then there is what I call peelings and scrubbings:  The results of age causing deterioration and the peeling back of surface layers, and/or the results of someone attempting to cover over or scrub out whatever it was that offended them.  Inadvertently these become colorful, moody art objects, at the same time simple and complex, seemingly drawn from an abstract expressionist tradition.  I literally search them out and put a frame around them.  


MONOCHROMEMonochrome photos allow us to see lines and shapes unhindered by distracting color.  Tonal variations contribute greatly to the mood of the image.

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